Review Topics (Growth Mindset)

 Review Topics

The purpose of this page is for students to find review topics related to the standards. This year, I will remind students to have a growth mindset. If they do not understand something, then students with a growth mindset are willing to figure it out & work hard to do so. This page lets students choose what they need help with from past years of school.

When students have a growth mindset, they realize their math strengths and weaknesses and look for ways to work toward improvement.

Please go to the following link or scroll to the bottom of the page for more on the growth mindset (picture) or watch this short Growth Mindset video. Otherwise,  students should review the topics below as needed.

Review Topics

Current 6th Grade Topic/Date Previous Skill(s) Needed Websites  
Division of Fractions 8/7-8/18 Multiplication of Fractions, Adding & Subtracting Fractions


1)  Multiplication of Fractions Rules Video

2)  Multiplication of Fractions Game 

3) Adding and Subtracting Rules Video

2) Adding and Subtracting Fractions Game

Practice Basic Multiplication here: Cool Science Multiplication Practice

Long Division, Divisibilty & Factor Trees 9/7/17 Review of Long Division, Divisibilty & Factor Trees

Long Division, Divisibility & Factor Trees

Choose Various Topics to get Help (School Yourself) 9/13/17 School Yourself: Choose your Topic "School Yourself"
RATIOS 10/5/7 *new Basic Ratios Review

Basic Ratio Descriptions

Ratios help (Discovery Education) 10/5/17 *new Equivalent Fractions

Put In a Ratio & Get Help Understanding it

3 Way Percent Calculator 10/5/17 *new 100s Charts, Changing a fraction to a decimal

Review the 3 Ways to Calculate Percents

Ratio Tables, Bar Graphs & Double Number Lines 10/5/17 *new Tables and Basic Graphs

Ratio Tables, Bar Graphs and Double Number Lines